Tokyo International Business College Building No.2
Category: Signage
Date: 2019.11
Location: Taitoku-ku, Tokyo
Client: Tokyo International Business College
Architect: MON architects
Photo: Tomooki Kengaku
A signage plan for Tokyo International Business College Building No.2 —The design intent was to utilize the tiled space. The design of the floor numbers next to the elevator takes advantage of the layering multiple textures of the tile, configured with straight lines along the tiles, and painted on directly. The numbers blend into the tile wall, obscuring the boundaries between space and graphics.
To encourage left-hand traffic on the stairs, a silhouette of shoes was fixed on the left side of the kick. The sign was aimed to induce users to instinctively walk on the left side rather than posting imperative instructions or arrows.
東京ビジネスカレッジ専門学校 2号館のサイン計画。タイル貼りの空間を生かしたデザインを試みた。エレベーター横の階数表示では、複数のテクスチャーが組み合わさったタイルの質感を生かすため、タイルに沿った直線で数字を構成し直接塗装した。数字はタイルの壁面に溶け込み、空間とグラフィックの境界を曖昧に見せている。